Vena® ADAPTSIL: Flexible silicone adaptor for food, pharma and biotech industry

In the food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical process industry, there are many areas with high vibrations produced basically by the pumps and driving systems of the process itself. This causes stress and a high risk of breakage in pipes and metal devices of the installation, being the best solution, the use of flexible hoses, which allow these vibrations or even important movements to be absorbed, thus achieving the best performance of the process, while at the same time, machine downtime and maintenance costs are minimized.
Flexible and straight hose
For these flexible connections, straight hoses are often used, although depending on the technical requirements and design construction, there are often limitations when we talk about small spaces where very tight radius of curvature or close angles are required.
Flexible silicone adaptor: Vena® ADAPSTIL
Venair has developed the product Vena® ADAPTSIL based on the know-how acquired in the design and production of special shapes for various industrial sectors, adapting them to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical markets.
Hoses shapes
Standard 45º, 90º or 180º elbows, reductions, “Y” shapes or any special geometry, in silicone, FKM or other materials such as FLEXIP® or ABRASIL®, have been developed to minimize stress in the connections, at the same time providing perfect chemical compatibility with the product to be transported, whether liquid, semi-liquid or solid.
With the intention of always obtaining maximum efficiency and performance, Venair offers tailored solutions, with geometries, constructions, materials and connections designed specifically for each application.