Silicone hoses with EN-45545-2 standard for railway applications

Over the past few years, numerous European countries have structured their territories by implementing and improving their railway networks. Currently, medium and long-distance trains cover the majority of routes connecting major cities in Europe. Many of these lines are high-speed and traverse routes that span several hours, requiring many of these trains to provide services such as a cafeteria, sleeper cars, and full bathrooms with showers.
A manufacturer of bathroom modules and interiors for railway vehicles that supplies a major state-owned company operating the railway network in one of the main European countries contacted Venair, a leader in the manufacture of hoses and flexible ducts for cooling, ventilation, and fluid conveyance. They sought a product that would adhere to their strict specifications and comply with the latest certifications in the railway safety sector.
The Project
What type of custom hoses did the customer need?
This company required straight hoses and special shapes for the conveyance of potable water, as well as flexible connections for use in the conveyance of gray and black water from bathroom drains. Since the implementation of the EN-45545-2 standard for fire protection of railway vehicles in 2013, many of the materials used have been modified and adapted to meet this standard.
The national operator had established numerous technical parameters such as elasticity, hardness, chemical compatibility, as well as resistance to fire and smoke. Certification for potable water passage was also necessary in some applications. All of this compelled Venair to manage the project from the Technical Department, as none of the existing materials for such applications met all the established requirements.
Innovation in train hose materials
Due to the potential business and Venair's ability to develop new formulations in its R&D department, it was ultimately decided to create a specific project for the development of this compound, surpassing all limitations of the more standard products that had been used.
The EN-45545-2 standard is mandatory for passenger railway vehicles in the European Community. Venair's supplied products for the train cars are classified as either for the interior (R22) or exterior (R23), which are further classified according to the hazard level into three levels (HL1, HL2, and HL3, with HL3 being the most restrictive).
This classification is based on the materials' behavior when exposed to fire, measured by parameters such as flammability, smoke density, and smoke toxicity.
Venair has successfully certified and launched different constructions of its special silicone products in accordance with this regulation. The following are the most standard and suitable for these applications:
HL1 (R22) HL2 (R23) |
Potable water |
HL2 (R22) HL2 (R23)
Wastewater (grey and black) |
Thanks to the validation of this elastomer, the client has obtained a product that not only complies with railway safety regulations and is suitable for potable water passage but also meets all the required chemical-physical specifications, ensuring the total reliability and durability of the systems where these components are used.